
Report on the Viability of

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Report on the Viability of Test Objects and Test Subjects
Test report of experiments recently conducted per direction


The scope of this testing is to report on the viability and utility of the test articles and subjects. This report will be used to determine future funding and directions.

There were a series of tests conducted recently to verify viability of delivery systems, mass displacement devices, as well as zone control methods and methodologies. These tests were conducted as far from local habitation as was possible. In several instances, difficulties arose and in one case the testing was observed by local inhabitants. Despite these difficulties, all tests were conducted successfully and this test report details the setup and results of the testing.

All of the testing was conducted using standard sampling and retrieval procedures, following all safety and decontamination processes. At no time were test personnel in any physical danger due to environment, habitat, or other factors.

The key objectives were all met, testing and sampling were all held to the highest quality possible with zero cross-contamination

Table of Contents
Section Page Number
Abstract 1
Table of Contents 1
Table of Figures 1
Introduction 2
Body 2
Test Articles 2
Results 3
Conclusions and Recommendations 6
References 7

Table of Figures
Figure Number Description Page Number
Figure 1: Test Subject One, Biological subject in a Can 3
Figure 2: Witness to the Mass Displacement Test (Female Subject) 4
Figure 3: Two male subjects, in two primary colors, mind control exercise 5
Figure 4: Jungle creature held by human male, under observation 6

The test subjects consisted of four elements. The first was an analysis of the physical, chemical, and emotional components of a biological entity found in a can.

The second test was a mass displacement device, illustrating the utility and potential of the device.

The third test was a mind control device, a sub-dermal implant, intended to prevent local detection.

The last test was a series of biometric studies of a jungle dwelling creature, with some potential for utility and use to our other future studies.

One set of test engineers were utilized to conduct all the testing. There was some travel involved in the testing, as well as some minor issues relating to how they were scheduled and conducted. The main details are below in the Results section.

The purpose of the testing is to validate proof of concept designs as well as to determine whether these lines of research and study should even be continued.

Test Articles
There are four tests in this report.
The first Test Article is a biologic that was accidentally located in a can that was obtained in a raid in the eastern hemisphere. The can was a standard sized one for the location, and after the primary test subject was tested to destruction, subsequent investigation of the ancillary objects obtained during the obtaining of the original test subject, this was located. The curiosity of the find has prompted the testing cycle that was conducted. Due to the short timeframe involved, and concerns over deterioration, the tests were conducted as swiftly as possible. There were no appropriate surgical devices, so locally obtained plastic silverware was used to prod and manipulate the biologic.

The biologic appeared to be some sort of flesh, with small teeth embedded along the outer circumference of the entire entity. There was a filmy, pearlescent fluid in the can that took up the rest of the volume. After opening the can the testing commenced.

The second test was a demonstration of a mass displacement device. If successful it would help to reduce the footprint of obtaining main test subjects for the normal test cycles. In order to conduct this test it was determined to move unloving biological items to begin with. A standard flying disk was used to transport and deploy the device.
Once at the test site the device was detonated.

The third test was intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of some prototype mind control devices. As they are intended for the native population, they were inserted beneath the outer dermal covering of two of the males of the largest bipedal species, and later activated with interesting results.

The fourth and last test covered in this report was a series of tests conducted on a previously unnoticed species found in an equatorial jungle by a scout team. It was retrieved and demonstrated a high degree of potential intelligence as well as utility so some basic and routine non-destructive tests were conducted.


The various tests were all successful to various degrees.
Follows is a more detailed set of results.

Figure 1: Test Subject One, Biological subject in a Can

The biologic was tested for contagious diseases, sensitivity to light, humidity, pressure changes, as well as extremes of temperature. At the start of the testing, it was determined it was chemically alive, with no indication of a nervous system analogous to the indigenous life forms previously tested.

Standard cultures were obtained, scrapings, and no infectious diseases were detected under laboratory conditions. Once that was concluded it was exposed to the local environment and further tests were conducted.

It showed no reaction to changes in light, either from total darkness up to maximum illumination.
Following that the environment was altered from no moisture, up to saturation levels for ambient air temperature. At the greatest value of humidity the biologic exhibited some slight change in hue, deepening approximately three shades with no other changes noted.

Once that was completed it was immediately subjected to a high pressure environment, with a total atmosphere equal to a gas giant. It showed no damage other than a flattening of the overall structure. After that it was subjected to an immediate and rapid decompression venting to the outside and taking it to an absolute vacuum. Again no response was detected save some deformation with the exiting of the oxygen.

Last set of tests conducted were temperature. The inside of the test chamber was lowered to match that of the vacuum, reaching to 5 degrees Kelvin. The outer fluid covering froze and remained intact.

Then it was subjected to a temperature, reached as fast as the test chamber could obtain an interior temperature of 670 Kelvin. The outer covering was converted to a gaseous form and was ablated away leaving the biologic dried and cracked.

At the end of the testing it is concluded this is some form of artificial biological device, and worthy of further study back under more concrete and extensive facilities.

Figure 2: Witness to the Mass Displacement Test (Female Subject)

The second test was of a mass displacement device. It is intended to replace manned retrieval teams, instead pulling in test subjects and items without making the local inhabitants and dwellers suspicious.

Due to a miscalculation in the time conversion the time of the test was not in the middle of the dark cycle, but in the middle of the light cycle. This was due to a mis-calibration of the time conversion standard from local time to standard time and back again.
Despite this the test was carried out, the flying disk was able to deploy the test device. It was detonated, but due to the time mistake the detonation was observed. It is estimated less than 10 locals observed, and only one was close enough to have observed any physical effects. This is recorded in Figure 2 above.

Based on the current population of the world wide test subject population of over 6.8 billion, and with only 10 potential observers, this comes to be a rounded off observation rate of .000000147. This value falls well below the potential noted threshold, and is well below the maximum allowed value.

The device detonated, displacing a standard collection box worth of un-living former biological samples. It left the manufactured and worked metallic and other non-biological materials.

Based on this and the subsequent retrieval by flying disk of the mass displacement device the test is considered an unqualified success.

Figure 3: Two male subjects, in two primary colors, mind control exercise

The third test conducted was of another prototype. This was of a mind-control device, also intended to aid in finding and testing local test subjects. Two males of the predominant bipedal species were tranquilized and the mind control devices were implanted under the scant dermal covering this species possesses.

Once the subjects were returned to their natural habitant a series of signals were sent to test the range and efficacy of the implants. The creatures displayed abnormal behavior, including mating patterns indicative of the opposite gender of their species.

Unfortunately shortly after the tests were initiated, before actual test commands could be sent, the test subjects suffered severe physical trauma and perished.

While this could be considered inconclusive, the fact that just the carrier wave induced such radial behavioral modifications indicates great potential for the implants.

Figure 4: Jungle creature held by human male, under observation

This is by far the single test subject with the most potential. It was discovered by a survey and sample team while scouting in an equatorial jungle location. They were searching for a small sub-species of the dominant bipeds, and during their radar sweeps discovered this specimen. Recognizing a potential kindred spirit, they gently obtained the subject before locating the main test subjects.

Those main test subjects along with the rest of the destructive testing will be covered in a separate report.

This subject was exposed to our cultural icons, similar as to discovering a feral child of our own great race. It demonstrated a great aptitude for learning, mimicking the sequence within a few series of demonstrations. Then a series of simple mathematic tests were conducted, which did not go as well as the visual testing. This could be attributed to the difference in digits on the upper limbs, from our own. Despite that difficulty, the test subject tested equal to a small child in our developmental stages, and the test engineers feel that it has potential to be a productive member of our greater community.

The final aspect is the safe consumption of our core foodstuffs, lending credence to the superior nature of this miniscule entity.

Conclusions and Recommendations
All of the testing is considered to be successful. Both of the biological series of tests yielded positive results, leading to a desire for more extensive testing.

The two devices tested both performed to expectations, and further funding, testing, and development is recommended.

With the greatest potential being the last test subject. The test engineers feel that further study, as well as obtaining of a viable breeding population, is warranted in the small biological specimen. This would yield a great boon to our overall society, to be able to introduce a new member into the overall good.

All testing was conducted in accordance with standard collection and detainment practices. At no time were the collecting personnel subjected to unprotected exposure and all precautions were followed.

Extensive visual recordings were made of all phases and are available on request.


A short recording made of locally obtained test subject, held in seclusion post the testing of the subject entity, prior to the destructive testing the other test subject was subjected to.

[Record mental and physical]
With his hand holding the strange little creature, the one that was brought back from some distant jungle, he waited to hear the results of the many tests.

It had taken all too many days to find out, what would be the final outcome.
Too many sleepless nights waiting to find out the final judgment, yet soon it would be resolved.

Still it was strange to think that this little thing was more important than he was.
Strange indeed.
[End Record mental and physical]
My entry for the Spring CDM contest
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